Nero d'Avola
Most wine lovers will think about Nero d'Avola when the topic is Sicily. Contrary to what many people think however, Nero d'Avola is a grape, not a DOC(G)
wine. Where in most areas of Italy wines are known by their DOC or DOCG name, the 23 DOC wines of Sicily are unknown to most wine lovers.
The popularity of this grape is probably explained by the fact that almost every DOC in Sicily contains some Nero d'Avola. Also there are many 100% Nero d'Avola IGT wines made.
In terms of taste, the Nero d'Avola is similar to Syrah. It's a full-bodied wine with dark fruit and spicy condiments. Young Nero d'Avola wines are especially fresh with young
fruit, where older versions (aged in wood) are heavier and show spices and dried fruit on the palate.
Nero d'Avola has been produced since the 17th century according to ancient documents. Some say the grape originates from Calabria because of the name Calabrese (as Sicilians
often call this wine). Sicilians contradict this and explain that this is because Calabrese comes from the name Calaurisi which is dialect for "coming from Avola". The
name Nero d'Avola (Avola Black) will in any case leave little doubt where this wine is found particularly.
Nero d'Avola is used in the following DOC wines: Eloro (minimal 85%), Riesi (minimal 80%), Menfi (minimal 70%), Sciacca (minimal 70%),
Cerasuolo di Vittoria (minimal 60%), Monreale (minimal 50%) en Sambuca di Sicilia (minimal 50%). Next to that there are many 100% Nero d'Avola IGT wines
made in Sicily.
Color: Red
Region: Sicily
Grape(s): Nero d'Avola
Good wineries:
Duca di Salaparuta